K-12 Educators are Predominantly Liberal

It’s a well known fact that college educators are predominantly liberal. For years I ignorantly assumed that this didn’t apply to K-12 educators. I thought they were “normal” meaning they were just as likely to be liberal or conservative as other citizens. I no longer hold that opinion. Educators tend to be liberal.

I think my previous assumption came from the fact that K-12 educators are not as personally vocal on liberal causes. University professors use television and publishing to champion their beliefs. Even those working for state schools are given tenure which allows them to champion personal beliefs while at work. Since K-12 educators are working with children I think there is an unspoken pressure stay silent to avoid the appearance of indoctrinating children.

For the last eight years I have had children in elementary and junior high schools. In dealing with teachers, teachers unions, principals, school districts and organizations such as the PTA; I have realized that they are fierce liberal organizations. They believe in the tenants of liberalism. They agree with the platform of the Democratic National Committee. They are outspoken on issues that have nothing to do with education.

The California Teachers Association is the #1 contributor in the fight against California’s Proposition 8 marriage amendment. They have donated over $1.3 million dollars to that cause. Don’t be fooled. They are not doing it to defend the interests of a few gay and lesbian teachers. They are doing it because as an organization they are liberal to the core. There are definitely thousands of teachers around the country who are conservative or even non-political but the organizations that represent them are liberal. 

We must stop thinking of teaching as a high and noble calling. It is a job. Teachers teach because they want a paycheck and they believe teaching will be an enjoyable way of earning the money. That’s not a put down. That is why mechanics fix cars. They want a paycheck and they believe working on cars will be an enjoyable way of earning the money. 

Every teacher should be treated individually and with the respect owed to any human being but teachers unions, school boards, school districts and the PTA are liberal bastions. They fight for liberal ideas and values. They are not centrists. They should be treated like the NAACP, NOW, ACLU, MoveOn, Sierra Club etc. Those organizations are recognized for being liberal and when they speak you know what is going to come out of their mouth. 

Liberal organizations have a right to exist and be respected but they should be known for what they are. Educational organizations have not been categorized with other liberal organizations because they want to work both sides of the fence. They want to be free to push a liberal agenda but be considered mainstream and centrist. They want to hide behind the facade of being, “for the children”. They are not “for the children”. They are for liberalism.

These organizations are always run by former educators and they are supported by educators. Educators are wholly responsible for their liberal message.

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