You have to forgive… don’t have to trust

We have been commanded by God to forgive. We have not been commanded to forget. To forget would be unwise. How can you learn from your mistakes or the mistakes of others if you forget? We need to remember and make judgments based on what we have observed. The product of these judgments is who we will trust and who we will not trust. We are not commanded to trust. Trust must be earned.

Detroit lost our trust in the 70’s and 80’s when they sold us the Aries K, pacer, pinto, gremlin, fairmont, reliant etc. To make it worse, while they were pushing these piles of junk they were lobbying the government to increase tariffs on the quality Japanese cars. These tariffs made us poorer as a nation. Detroit squandered valuable resources such as time, money, labor and raw resources. It made our nation poorer because it increased the inflation rate.

In addition to decreasing our standard of living by raising costs and decreasing quality, they made it an issue of patriotism. They pushing the public to “Buy American”. Television commercials, bumper stickers and the slogan, “baseball, hot dogs, apple pie and Chevrolet.” Give me a break.

I just finished watching “Flash of Genius”, the story about Robert Kearns who invented the intermittent windshield wiper. It’s no surprise that Ford raked him over the coals. Their management team was busy raking the whole country over the coals.

Twenty years later and we’ve got cash for clunkers and government bailouts.

Don’t forget; learn from your mistakes and the mistakes of others. Stop trusting and stop buying American.

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