Category: Economics

  • Socialism on a micro level

    An economics professor at a local college made a statement that he had never failed a single student before, but had recently failed an entire class. That class had insisted that Obama’s socialism worked and that no one would be poor and no one would be rich, a great equalizer. The professor then said, “OK,…

  • Government is Incapable

    The financial genius Warren Buffet thinks the rich should be taxed more. It’s baffling to me how someone who clearly understands the use of capital and how inefficiently the governments use capital can suggest such a thing. If Warren takes his capital gains and invests it, the money will go to things like machinery. The…

  • Warren Buffett has lost his mind

    This is the stupidest thing I’ve heard in a long time. He must have lost his mind. The mega rich are infinitely better qualified for making good use of their money than politicians. They create jobs. Government creates welfare recipients. Jobs teach a man to fish. Government gives men a fish. Forget about tax breaks,…

  • Take responsibility for Pete’s Sake

    Obama isn’t responsible for the recession or unemployment. He certainly contributed to the problem by supporting Barney Frank and Chris Dodd’s, house for everyone policies but there are lots of people who are culpable. He also failed to understand that markets have to correct when they make mistakes. Democrats think capitalists consider markets perfect. On…

  • Pigs at the Trough

    Democrats Say U.S. House Victory Sends Message on Medicare This article is deeply disturbing.  Republicans are going to have to spend a lot of money educating people. It’s cheap to spread FUD. It’s costly to educate. Maybe the country will need to go into default before people will realize the money is gone. I’m really turned off…

  • Obama brings me back

    I haven’t blogged in over two months. I’ve just been too busy. However, Obama and his complete stupidity brought me back. Today in a so called “town hall meeting” sponsored by CNBC, he was speaking on repealing the Bush tax cuts. “‘On average, millionaires would get a check of $100,000. It is an irresponsible thing…

  • Sage Grouse are a luxury

    “CHEYENNE, Wyo. (AP) — The U.S. Department of Agriculture plans to allocate up to $16 million to encourage farmers and ranchers in 11 Western states to protect sage grouse and the chicken-sized bird’s habitat.” I like Sage Grouse, they actually don’t taste like chicken, but we can’t be spending money on this. The article says,…

  • Drop the Wants

    We are facing a serious financial crisis in the United States. Frankly, most governments are facing serious financial difficulties and frankly possible collapse. We are in a severe recession. Government debt is through the roof. Money is being printed out of thin air at such a rapid rate that inflation is unavoidable. Of course this…

  • Beck Is In Over His Head

    Today on my way home from work I was listening to Glenn Beck. Beck has been correctly pointing out for a year that our government’s massive deficit spending will result in inflation. However, Beck’s draconian views on the subject puthim in a difficult position. He is neither an economist nor a financial advisor. Today I…

  • Selective Compassion

    The Federal Government has twice extended the unemployment benefits to Americans who live in states with unemployment over 6%. I am baffled that such an extension is not for all Americans. Is the pain experienced by a family in Utah less than the pain experienced by a family in Michigan? Utah has less unemployment for…