
This quote has been attributed to Donald Trump but I don’t think he said it. Regardless of who wrote it, I like it because it shows how Democrats run government.

“We’re going to be ‘gifted’ with a health care plan we are forced to purchase and fined if we don’t, which purportedly covers at least ten million more people, without adding a single new doctor, but provides for 16,000 new IRS agents, written by a committee whose chairman says he doesn’t understand it, passed by a Congress who didn’t read it but exempted themselves from it, and signed by a Dumbo President who smokes, with funding administered by a treasury chief who didn’t pay his taxes, for which we’ll be taxed for four years before any benefits take effect, by a government who has already bankrupted Social Security and Medicare, all to be overseen by a Surgeon General who is obese, and financed by a country that is broke!!!!”



You are what you eat

My wife just asked me….”have you ever had a doctor ask you what you had for breakfast or lunch?” I said, “No, that’s a good point.”

She then said, “have you ever taken an animal to the vet and been asked what you feed them?” I thought for a second and said, “every time.”

It seems odd doesn’t it?

It reminds me of the quote, “I can no more remember the books I’ve read or the meals I’ve eaten, but they made me.”


I don’t live for MSG but I don’t like seeing foods or food components getting a bum rap for no reason. I just saw a television commercial with a turkey running down the isle of a grocery store trying to get away from a can of broth containing MSG. Why?

Here’s a paragraph from MSG on Wikipedia:

“MSG as a food ingredient has been the subject of health studies. A report from the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB) compiled in 1995 on behalf of the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) concluded that MSG was safe for most people when “eaten at customary levels”. However, it also said that, based on  anecdotal reports, some people may have an MSG intolerance which causes “MSG symptom complex” and/or a worsening of asthmatic symptoms. Subsequent research found that while large doses of MSG given without food may elicit more symptoms than a placebo in individuals who believe that they react adversely to MSG, the frequency of the responses was low and the responses reported were inconsistent, not reproducible, and were not observed when MSG was given with food. While many people believe that MSG is the cause of these symptoms, a statistical association has not been demonstrated under controlled conditions, even in studies with people who were convinced that they were sensitive to it. Adequately controlling for experimental bias includes a  experimental design and the application in capsules because of the strong and unique after-taste of glutamates.”

May people would read this paragraph and conclude that MSG is bad for you. People who interpret in this way can’t be helped. Some people are always searching for tragedy. They focus on emotion rather than facts. To the intelligent reader it clear that MSG is just like ALL other foods. Some people don’t react well to it. I know people allergic to bananas, chocolate, chicken, wheat, milk, soy, etc. With that said, most people declare themselves allergic based on one bad incident.

It’s simple, if you have a concern, perform a double blind study, with a large sample size and have the study managed by an independent body.

Caraway Seeds…Wheat’s Ugly Cousin

Caraway seeds in rye bread…….whoever came up with the idea of putting these noxious seeds in rye bread should join a leper colony. I bet 100% of the people in this world who hate rye bread, think they hate rye. In reality, you hate the caraway seeds. These seeds have done serious damage to the reputation of this fine bread.

Best Grains: How They Rank

I found this at: http://askdoctorsears.com/html/4/T042700.asp.  I thought it was interesting. I think buying these different grains and adding them to bread, soup or whatever is a good thing. Flax isn’t mentioned, perhaps because it isn’t as common, but is also very good.  

Best Grains: How they Rank 

It’s misleading, if not impossible, to rank grains. Their relative value depends on what nutrients you are looking for. Is one nutrient more important than another? Is fiber more important than protein? Maybe, if you’re a senior citizen, but not if you’re a child. Do you judge nutritional value by nutrients per ounce, or nutrients per calorie? When you see any rating system for food, take it with a grain of salt and remember that variety is an important key to healthy eating. In spite of these difficulties, we decided to give it a try and rate the twelve most common grains according to the following nutrients: protein, fiber, iron, zinc, folic acid, vitamin E, riboflavin, niacin, thiamin, and calcium. If you assign one point for each of these nutrients, the ratings come out as follows:

Total Nutrient Points
(highest to lowest)
Fiber Content
(grams per serving)
(grams per serving)
1. Amaranth
2. Rye
3. Oats
4. Wild rice
5. Millet
6. Barley
7. Quinoa
8. Buckwheat
9. Whole wheat
10. Brown rice
11. White rice
12. Corn
1. Barley
2. Amaranth
3. Whole wheat
4. Rye
5. Buckwheat
6. Millet
7. Oats
8. Wild Rice
9. Quinoa
10. Corn
11. Brown Rice
12. White Rice
1. Amaranth
2. Oats
3. Rye
4. Wild rice
5. Millet
6. Quinoa
7. Barley
8. Whole wheat
9. Buckwheat
10. Corn
11. Brown Rice
12. White Rice

The grains highest in calcium, ranked in order are: amaranth, quinoa, oats, barley, rye, and whole wheat. Gluten-free grains are: corn, rice, soy. (Buckwheat may contain a small amount of gluten.) The top five grains for iron are: quinoa, amaranth, oats, enriched rice, millet and barley. The top grains for zinc (an important immune-booster) are: wild rice, rye, amaranth, oats, and quinoa. The top grains for folic acid are: millet, wild rice, rye, amaranth, and oats. Even though nutritionally amaranth would rank as the greatest grain, overall the top grain in our book is whole wheat. Even though other grains may have slightly more nutrients, wheat is a whole lot more useful in a whole lot more foods. Whole wheat comes out as top grain.


As a serious consumer of carbonated beverages, I frequently hear about the negatives of drinking carbonated water. I’ve heard that drinking carbonated beverages causes damaged to kidneys. I guess the bubbles have rough edges that tear the tissues. I’ve also heard too much carbon dioxide in the blood stream is bad. Another is that drinking carbonated beverages “cuts your wind”. Meaning a runner would not be able to get as much oxygen as they need. My friends doctor told him it puts too much CO2 in your blood stream. Excuse me….doesn’t every cell in your body create CO2?

Personally, when I drink a Coke, I walk around carefully so that the carbonation doesn’t get sloshed away. I try to avoid pouring Coke into a glass because I lose too much fizz in the process. When you drink a soda, the process of running across my tongue, around my uvula, over my oropharynx, into my throat, past my epiglottis, and down my esophagus will pretty much destroy all the carbonation. Anything left will become a burp.

Trust me, I drink a lot of soda. The other day I cut my arm. It didn’t make the “pishhhh” sound of opening a can. I wish it had, that would be pretty cool.

Eat Tilapia

I love fish. Rainbow trout, speckled trout, red fish, halibut, walleye, perch, croaker and sea bass are among my favorites. I love them fried in either flour or corn meal. Halibut thermidor, baked halibut with butter and cheese, is tough to beat. Fried sea bass coated with macadamia nuts….giddy-up!

These fish can also be cooked in a more nutritious fashion. A typically method is either baking or grilled the fish with some herbs and a little lemon juice. Though I can eat and enjoy any of these cooked a nutritious way, it isn’t my preference.

Recently I discovered Tilapia; a fish I love eating the nutritious way. Tilapia is great baked with a little salt and lemon juice on top. We buy it at Costco in individually frozen filets. I’ve never bought it fresh and had it be as good, so I’ll stick with the frozen. I’m so thrilled with the discovery of Tilapia that I want everyone to know about it. Hopefully a few details will get you excited about it.

Common names

  • Tilapia (Blue, Nile and Mozambique)

  • St. Peter’s Fish

  • The Wonder Fish

  • Nile Perch


  • Excellent tasting, firm, white meat

  • Protein rich

  • Kosher

  • Non-fishy taste

  • Vegetarian eating only algae and plants

  • Low on food chain so they don’t build up pollutants in their bodies

  • Very strong digestive acids allow for efficient digestion

  • Easily grown in third world for local consumption or cash crop


  • Hardy fish that like warm water

  • Thrives in fresh, brackish, or salt water

  • Great cleanup fish for wastewater

  • Tilapia waste is good fertilizer

  • When conditions are good, there are no diseases that cause significant population impact

  • Can go from fry to harvest in six months

  • Reproduce year round

  • Can be grown in open ponds, submerged cages, aquariums or tanks on land

  • Tolerant of environmental changes, water quality, temperature, salinity and population density

  • Inexpensive to grow


  • Tilapia is recorded in human history as far back as ancient Egypt

  • Tradition holds that the Tilapia was the fish that Jesus used to feed the five-thousand on the Sea of Galilee

  • Presumed to be the fish that carried a shekel coin in its mouth (see Matthew 17)

  • First fish taken into space

If you don’t like fish….go get some tilapia. Trust me!