Dolphins Rock

Are you kidding me?

This blows my mind. Why on earth does the Pentagon need to get involved in gay pride? How is the relevant to national security?

Washington (CNN) — The Department of Defense announced Thursday that it will be commemorating lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender pride later this month. The event will be the first of its kind for the Pentagon.

“The Defense Department is planning an LGBT Pride Month event for later this month,” Pentagon spokeswoman Eileen Laniez said in a statement issued Thursday.
Press Secretary George Little said senior Defense Department officials will take part in the event, but had no other details.

Just a year ago, a member of the military faced punishment or discharge if he or she admitted being homosexual, but last September the administration scrapped the policy known as “don’t ask, don’t tell.”

Poetry in Motion

Some Guy Turned His Dead Cat Into A Helicopter

Following this cat’s tragic demise after a fatal encounter with a car, Dutch Artist Bart Jansen turned the remains of the feline into a remote controlled helicopter. The device has been dubbed the Orvillecopter after the cat’s namesake American aviator Orville Wright.

Click to enlarge.

Obama Quote

“The private sector is doing fine,” the president said during a White House press conference. “Where we’re seeing weaknesses in our economy have to do with state and local government. … If Republicans want to be helpful, if they really want to move forward and put people back to work, what they should be thinking about is how do we help state and local governments. -Barack Obama”

June 8, 2012

Wow! Talk about doubling down. It’s one thing to think the economy is doing well with 23,000,000 out of work. But to think the answer is to grow state and local governments? Government doesn’t produce anything!

Amazing. There is nothing to work with here.

Big Brother

So two months ago my wife was down with a herniated disc. I’m swamped at work. I’m traveling. My boys have to be driven ten places every day. It’s one of the busiest times in my life and my wife’s car needs to be inspected. I don’t have time to do it. Finally, I have a few free minutes. I run to the place by Walmart so I can do the grocery shopping while I wait.

So I drop off the car, go do my shopping and then carry all the food down the street to the place. I load the groceries in the car and go to pay the bill. To my surprise, I failed the inspection. It wasn’t the emissions or brakes. It wasn’t a burned out bulb on a headlight. It wasn’t a cracked windshield. What was it? Scroll down to see.

Ya, that’s right. My windshield wiper is ripped about an inch. How they even noticed it is beyond me. I suppose I shouldn’t fault them for following the law….BUT I DO! Of course they will fix it for me for $17. That doesn’t give me new wipers. It gets me a new wiper. That’s right, 1 wiper for $17. My guess is that it’s a lousy one too.

It aggravates me that our nanny state feels that they need to reach down into the bowels of our lives and start meddling. I wish they would give some thought to how such policies complicate our lives.

BTW- I drove home steaming. Dropped off the groceries, booked it back to Walmart for new wipers. Installed them and got the taxes paid. The place never even came out to see if I fixed the wiper.


I just watched Rudy for about the twentieth time. It’s an awesome movie. I find it inspirational and motivating every time I see it.

Outlawing Big Gulps

How can NYC justify outlawing Big Gulps and not outlaw cigarettes and booze? Big Gulps can increase your weight but they don’t kill. You can’t come close to drawing the cause and effect argument on soda that you can tobacco. Big Gulps don’t impare your driving. They don’t contribute to domestic violence. They don’t impact peoples work. They don’t lead to unwanted pregnancies and STD’s. They don’t destroy families.

What a joke.

Modern Day Selling of Indulgences

My 8th grader has a B- in Algebra. His teacher told the class that they could increase their grade by bringing in pencils. How much do you think it would cost to go from a B- to a B? Would you believe $20? I can’t be the only one who finds that offensive.

It reminds me of the medieval practice of selling indulgences. If you pay the priest you can avoid punishment for sins.

That practice was terrible for many reasons. It disenfranchised the poor. What kind of god can be bribed? Are religions tenants really important if they can be circumvented with a fist full of dollars? What’s the message to the rich? If you have money you are free to indulge. The whole practice is wrong on so many levels.

The same is true in selling grades. It sends a terrible message to our children.

Frontline: Money, Power and Wall Street

This is an excellent Frontline. Well worth watching. It’s obviously an investment in time but you won’t regret it.

Michelle Obama Special

Massachusetts To Ban Bake Sales?
May 7, 2012

Brownies, cupcakes and other sugar-laden contraband will be outlawed in Massachusetts public schools as health officials battle what they call crisis-level obesity in children.

All bake sales will be banned beginning Aug. 1, the Boston Herald reported. The ban would apply 30 minutes before the start of classes and thirty minutes after the school day ends. But health officials are trying to banish sweets from school banquets, after-hours events and even football games.

The Dept. of Public Health and Education insisted they were not attempting to regulate what people eat.

“We’re not trying to get into anyone’s lunch box,” DPH medical director Lauren Smith told the Boston Herald. “We know that schools need those clubs and resources. We want them to be sure and have them, but to do them a different way.”

Smith told The Boston Channel that they wanted to create an environment in schools where kids have an opportunity to make choices among healthy options.

We’re at a place in Massachusetts where one-third of our kids in schools are either overweight or obese,” she told the television station.

Jeff Katz, a talk radio host at Boston’s Talk 1200, told Fox News the ban is simply outrageous.

“Only in Massachusetts would the Attorney General say it’s not illegal to be an illegal alien, but it is illegal to sell a cupcake for the football team,” Katz said. “When they outlaw cupcakes only outlaws will have cupcakes.”

State Sen. Susan Fargo, a Democrat, said childhood obesity has reached “crisis” proportions.”

“If we didn’t have so many kids that were obese, we could have let things go,” Fargo told the newspaper.

But parents and local lawmakers are fuming over the ban on bake sales — many wondering how they will be able to pay for extracurricular activities.

“It helps the schools,” Lana Borstein, a PTO president, told The Boston Channel. “It helps buy books. It helps fund trips. It helps fund things that taxpayers aren’t paying for. That’s the purpose.”

“The goal is to raise money,” Maura Dawley told the Herald. “You’re going to be able to sell pizza. You’re not going to get that selling apples and bananas. It’s silly.”

“My concern is we’re regulating what people can eat, and I have a problem with that,” he told the newspaper. “I respect the state for what they’re trying to do, but I think they’ve gone off the deep end. I don’t want someone telling me how to do my job as a parent.”