Take responsibility for Pete’s Sake

Obama isn’t responsible for the recession or unemployment. He certainly contributed to the problem by supporting Barney Frank and Chris Dodd’s, house for everyone policies but there are lots of people who are culpable. He also failed to understand that markets have to correct when they make mistakes. Democrats think capitalists consider markets perfect. On the contrary, it is their imperfection that makes them work. They have to make corrections. It’s just like going out to eat. Have you ever ordered a dish from a restaurant and not enjoyed it? What did you do? You didn’t order it the next time. It was relatively easy to fix. The Gosplan would have you eating that same dish for five years before deciding to order something else. That may sound like a fare fetched example but its not. You are a consumer spending capital on goods and services. When those goods and services fail to meet your needs you realize your capital was wasted so you adjust. It’s no different than a bank or company running a business. Obama doesn’t get economics 101, so he increases the pain by dragging on the economy by spending money covering up the problem. You can’t afford the house so let’s make a few payments for you. Don’t get me started on “Cash for Clunkers”.

Listen to Obama this week, “There are some structural issues with our economy where a lot of businesses have learned to become much more efficient with a lot fewer workers…. You see it when you go to a bank and you use an ATM. You don’t go to a bank teller. Or you go to the airport and you’re using a kiosk instead of checking at the gate. So all these things have created changes in the economy.” http://www.marketwatch.com/story/obamas-atm-story-cant-explain-slow-hiring-2011-06-16?dist=countdown

“Structural issues”? Seriously? This goes to show who his supporters are. You seriously have to be a complete idiot to agree with that line of reasoning. Amazingly, those idiots are carrying iPhones instead of sending smoke signals. They are driving cars not walking and are wearing polyester not homespun.

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