Global Warming….my foot

Over the last few years we’ve seen a new fashion trend. It’s called global warming. Everything is Eco this or that. Green this or that. The media has force fed us a steady diet of lies. Now we have some unraveling of this fabric of deceit.

Some dude hacked the University of East Anglia’s Climate Research Center. Thousands of records were stolen. The correspondence uncovered at the center shows that they had global warming data which contradicts their political agenda. It also shows that they conspired to hide and even destroy the data rather than let it come to light. They also discussed marginalizing fellow scientists who were challenging their claims.

The director of the center, Phil Jones, made the following statement. “My colleagues and I accept that some of the published e-mails do not read well. Some were clearly written in the heat of the moment; others use colloquialisms frequently used between close colleagues.”

“Colloquialisms frequently used between close colleagues.” In other words, they were openly plotting to deceive.

Besides the massive deception that has been taking place. There are a variety of other outrages taking place.

#1 The national media has turned a blind eye. NBC, ABC, CBS, CNN and MSNBC have ignored the story that has been out for several weeks. How can they miss such an explosive story on the number one issue in our day? They created green trend and now they are protecting it like it’s a helpless child.

#2 There is liberal outrage over the hacking of this organizations computer. I agree that what the hackers did was illegal but why is the outrage so selective? The liberal media didn’t seem to care about Newt Gingrich’s phone being hacked. It didn’t express outrage when Sarah Palin’s email account was hacked. But if you shoot an undercover video at an ACORN office or hack emails at an overseas university, then you must be brought to justice.

I’m grateful that we have a variety of news stations, as well as thousands of Internet sites, that allow truth to flow while the Democrats are busy putting their fingers in the dike.

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